Archive for January 30, 2007

Bidding adieu to man of principles & ideologies


Resignation! Was that a sudden decision for this man of ideals? He himself had no answer but replied that he could have quit probably tomorrow but he has done it today. A great chapter perhaps the best of all in the history of Vijay Times came to an end with its much talked about and celebrated editor Krishna Prasad’s resignation. Honouring his ideologies which he has nurtured and lived all through his career, tendered his resignation on Tuesday afternoon.
At an informal valedictory arranged by the staffers, Mr Krishna prasad thanked everybody and applauded the efforts of all the editorial and technical staff in bringing out some of the best news items. Stressing on the letter ‘J’ in Journalism (Of course not for jealous) which is a key factor for any journo to have a successful career. Quoting from one of the old masters that Journalism is nothing but afflicting the comfortable and comforting the afflicted, Mr KP implied at the true meaning of Journalism.
Mr Krishna Prasad was known for his joyous work culture at the newsroom marked with fun and open interaction through blogs and cricket. His blogs were indeed a forum for any interested person to have healthy interaction on wide range of topics. Having been driven by a set of principles, KP had an eye to the future, an ear to the ground and an affinity to change according to the trends and needs of the reader.

January 30, 2007 at 2:54 pm

January 2007

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