Archive for January 22, 2007

When the Godot arrived all by himself!


Unlike the regular Mondays marked with seraphic jovialness, this Monday was more like blunting and benumbing as many of us were on leave and in no mood to attend the meeting with the boss/editor. Usually, meeting with the boss on every Monday was more like refuelling ourselves. Issues ranging from health to advanced issues of science and research coupled with realty, tradition and some whacky ideas were pooled in to woo as well as inform readers through our supplements.
But the rumours and gossips that were born in his absence last week did frighten us to a certain extent and even the ambience was pretty conducive to it. Adding to our apprehension, the number of calls and messages from bureau friends and colleagues kept on increasing and many efforts to convince them were also conquered with nearly believable circulating SMSs. We were all waiting for an opportunity to discuss them with the man who is the centre of all affairs, if not from his side at least from ourside.
The meeting, though it was late for half an hour, began with a serious discussion about the impending rumours. We were all flummoxed to see the person concerned responding to them in a candid manner. The assurance was as same as the assurance that we got few months back about our section soon after the departure of our erstwhile editor. Starting from the origin of those rumours to till the meeting point he explained us from his angle about the flag of the publication and its figure. The detailed explanation and his study of the industry were all meticulous and apt. In fact his clarifications from the seat of boss did sooth us to a certain extent and relieved us from the mental hardships which was boggling our daily journo life.
I remember reading the French-translated play ‘En attendant Godot‘ by Beckett. Both the characters Vladimir and Estragon awaiting the entry of Godot who is hitherto unknown to both of them. The play spread over two acts never unfolds the character Godot. Unlike the play and much to the amusement the Godot (Boss) himself arrived with the message and that was something verisimilitude for all of us. If anybody question, is that trustworthy? then the answer is believe in hierarchy (Confucianism) and the message is out from the person who venerates good journalism that we all eager to practice at some time of our carrier.

January 22, 2007 at 12:14 pm Leave a comment

January 2007

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