Archive for January 17, 2007

Inside the laboratory of Socialism

The ongoing situation in South America is nothing but an accessible point of hope to those who criticise the imperialistic hegemony of US over others. If anybody dreaming of a splendid future of their country by joining hands with the US, South America is a model, which has built on its own from rags to riches.
Over the centuries, the Southern American continent has become prey to the atrocities of colonial powers. The continent, brimming with the natural resources, mineral resources, was exploited to the maximum until the beginning of 20th century. But the popular and palpable peasants and people movement interspersed with revolutionary ideas, across the continent at different intervals of time, have instilled a seed of hope for the long awaited democratic aspirations of the people.
As a result, the political scenario, economic policy and foreign relations with other countries have subdued the hard efforts of consumeristic first world countries. The sudden upsurge of left backed socialistic political ideas have tailored the administration framework to suit the country’s specific needs to soothe the psyche of latin american people who are primarily into farming and allied activities.

Years of hegemony over Latin America

The land which was once part of ancient Inca empire, Bolivia became independent in 1825 from the clutches of spain. At the time of Independence the native indigenous people who constituted more than half of the population remained deplorable. Great loss of life and territory in the Chaco War, took away the powers from the ruling feudal lords. The national army with its constant workforce, stirred up political awareness among the natives.The military junta soon took up the nationalization of oil companies to boost the country’s economic growth. Despite the sporadic changes there were no signs of improvement in the living condition of the people until the 1952 revolution which marked the emergence of contending ideologies and the demands of new groups which convulsed Bolivian politics.
After the 1952 revolution, which was lead by Nationalist Revolutionary Movement under Victor Paz, it introduced universal adult suffrage, sweeping land reforms, rural education. But the successive coups there after and general elections of 78 marked with fraud retarded the country’s progress. The recent election of native leader Eva Morales and his successful political policies have promised the people a new change.

Chile which became independent in 1818 has been witnessing many political upheavals instigated by US to safeguard its mineral companies interest to dominate the Chilean copper reserves have caused major setbacks to the countries development. The system of presidential power that was expected to address the people’s grievances eventually predominated, but wealthy landowners continued to control Chile.
Salvador Allen de assuming the office of the president in 1970 marked the upward growth in all spheres. His program included the nationalization of most remaining private industries and banks, massive land expropriation, and collectivisation along with the nationalization of US interests in Chile’s major copper mines. The socialistic aspirations received the wrath of US and Allen de succumbed to the CIA lead bomb attack by the chilean military on the presidential palace and the country once again reverted to the era of military regime which devastated the country’s prosperity in many spheres. The US directed political developments continued to ruin the country in many ways. The defeat of Pinochet in 1988 once again signalled the onset of democracy which promised all round development of chile.
In the past elections, Michele Blanchet becoming the first ever women president of chile has promised new changes to safeguard the country’s economic and social growth.

The land which was home to many revolutionary movements and personalities has borne the brunt of Batista’s brutal atrocities which was triggered by US which considered Cuba as a neighbour threat with sound and advanced military force among the latin american countries.But the great cuban revolution led by the legendary revolutionaries such as fidel castro, ernesto che Guevara and others succeeded in ousting Batista. Within months of taking control, Castro moved to consolidate power by marginalising other resistance groups and figures and imprisoning or executing opponents and former supporters.
But the castro’s inclination towards the then USSR and obtaining rights to filter oil for Russia and successive procurement of nuclear missiles from Russia deteriorated the relationship with US. But after the disintegration of Soviet Union, Cuba suffered a major setback in terms of economy followed by imposition of sanctions from US. but castro’s administrative policies and proportionate distribution of resources during the crisis time won the hearts of people.

With its rich oil reserves, Venezuela has witnessed many periods of authoritarianism — including dictatorships by Gen.Juan Vicente Gomez. But the growing energy crisis in US made American policy makers to intervene in the politics of Venezuela Which had then become a partner of OPEC. But the opposition by the natives following the severe exploitation of wealth by the american companies, crippled the US diplomatic relationship with Venezuela.
But the election of Hugo Chavez, a former para troop lieutenant-colonel who led an unsuccessful coup in 1992 on a platform that called for the creation of a “Fifth Republic”, a new constitution, a new name (“the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela”), and a new set of social relations between socio-economic classes. In 1999, voters approved a referendum on a new constitution, and in 2000, re-elected Chavez democratically. In spite of strong opposition to his policies especially in the media, oil industry and middle class from many quarters of global politics, Chavez continued to enjoy people’s support for his anti US and socialistic liberal policies.
Apart from these major level players among the latin american countries, politically, the bigger geographical countries such as Argentina, Brazil have also witnessed unprecedented growth of socialism. Having witnessed series of military coups supported by oligarchical heads of the native land with an intention to gain global position with the other top countries, Brazil and Argentina are now taking constant measures to stabilize the growth and establish political sovereignty. Brazil having elected Lula de Silva as president, hailing from the society of native inhabitants has assured the people a better future. So as the case with Argentina which recorded the growth of 8 to 9 per cent after the 2001 crisis stabilising the economy and fulfilling the aspirations of people in a more democratic way.
Since long ago, latin american countries considered to be the bastion of US supported right wing dictators, military juntas and always followed the pro-US economic, political policies has now been undergoing dramatic change by injecting a new meaning to the form and content of democracy and thus segregating itself as a major player apart from the global power US.

January 17, 2007 at 2:26 pm Leave a comment

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